For three years, I enjoyed attending the Poster workshop at the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, which famous Polish poster artist Prof. Piotr Kunce ran.
My posters were exhibited in Poland and internationally at many exhibitions, biennials and triennials.

Poster for the theatre play "King Ubu" by Alfred Jarry

Lahti Poster Triennial 2014, Finland; photo taken by artist Janika Salonen

The 24th Warsaw Poster Biennale, Poland, photo by Agnieszka Ziemiszewska

Poster for the musical "The Promised Land" based on the book written by Władysław Stanisław Reymont, directed by Wojciech Kościelniak

My poster "The Promised Land" at the exhibition in China, photo credit: organizers

A winner poster of the competition for the Red Cross and the Red Crescent International, the third edition of CREACARTEL 2013, was exhibited in the city of Santa Ana de Coro (Venezuela) in the Santa Rosa Gallery.

Poster about a breast cancer

"1% for culture!" about how much money from taxes goes for the cultural life in Poland

"Magician's Congress" poster

A poster on the GAZA war, exhibited in the public space in Turkey

A poster for the Slovak film "Krajinka"" directed by Martin Sulik

A poster on transplantology